Lyndsay Green is a pioneering sociologist and researcher who has spent her career helping people use communications technologies for learning. Motivated by her aging parents and family, she turned her research skills and knowledge of new technologies to finding out what the baby boom generation should be doing to ensure they have a successful old age.
As a communications specialist, Lyndsay spent decades advising governments, non-profit organizations and corporations on the strategic use of new technologies to support learning. She designed and implemented projects for a wide range of clients including the World Bank, TD Bank, the National Film Board of Canada, UNESCO, the Inuit of Canada and the Commonwealth of Learning. Acknowledging her pioneering work, the American textbook Computers and Information Systems calls Green an "information agent of the future.”
After turning 60, Lyndsay applied her consulting skills and her interest in the future to understanding how to age well, Since then. she has written five books including the best-selling You Could Live a Long Time: Are You Ready? and Ready to Retire? Her latest book is The Well-Lived Life: Live with Purpose and Be Remembered. Peter Mansbridge interviewed Lyndsay for his CBC show One on One and calls The Well-Lived Life Lyndsay’s “latest must-read book.” Lyndsay is a popular speaker and media guest.
“Throughout her career, Lyndsay Green has anticipated the next trend in communications and has been right there, imparting expertise and vision, most often to organizations which contribute enormously to the “human capital” of our whole democracy.”
Toronto Life "Women Who Make a Difference"