Jean and Henry Screen “Still Mine”

In The Perfect Home For a Long Life I introduced you to Henry and Jean Kroll (pictured above) who have been living for the past six years in Silver Sage, a seniors cohousing project in Boulder, Colorado. Jean has dementia and the strong Silver Sage emotional circle allows her to both contribute to and be supported by her community. Henry was keen to watch the film "Still Mine", which is based on a true story, after watching the trailer and seeing parallels with his and Jean's journey. We managed to get a DVD to Henry, and the Silver Sage community held a screening this week. Here's Henry's review of this excellent film.

I saw a trailer of the award-winning Canadian dramatic film, STILL MINE featuring the excellent acting of Genevieve Bujold and James Cromwell. Looking at the trailer and having a youngster's crush on Ms. Bujold from her films 40 plus years ago...I had to see Still Mine. And it is better than I expected. Bujold, now 70 years old, plays a woman living with declining cognitive impairment in rural New Brunswick.  Craig, her independently-minded older husband played by Cromwell, wants to "protect" wife Irene (Bujold) from their adult children who favour placing their frail mom in a senior living community in the "city". The film makes a fascinating and moving cinematic expression, and captures in my view very much of what Jean and I are now living through together. Craig moves from denial towards loving acceptance determined to live out their years together in the new home he builds to accommodate his wife's needs. Cromwell gives the performance of his great career in this role.  


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