June Updates
You’ll find a new link on the right hand side of the page. The blue box“Looking for a follow-up workshop?” takes you to a description of the i know Program. This workshop is offered by Peter Bouffard of Impact Workshops and takes as its starting point You Could Live a Long Time: Are You Ready? After participants have read the book, Peter uses a process of individual exercises and group work to help them develop a plan to implement the book’s findings. I’ve worked with Peter and have known him for many years and he “walks the talk.” Seven years ago, at age 54, he left his position as President of two companies he had founded to begin a mid-life adventure. He became an artist, teaches courses on Leadership and Creativity at Sheridan College, and passes on his life lessons through Impact Workshops.
Those of you who are really paying attention will have noticed that I posted a new and improved Discussion Guide for Book Clubs. I prepared this new Guide with the help of the Booker’s Dozen Book Club, a group of dynamite women that has been meeting in Ottawa for 25 years. Thank you Booker’s Dozen – you are a perfect example of that sustaining and enriching emotional circle recommended by the role models.
The media interest in the book has continued unabated and over the past couple of weeks I have done interviews with radio stations in Wingham, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Saint John, Waterloo, Fredericton, Toronto and Kingston. We have posted online links to these interviews wherever they are available under Media.
Here’s some more of your wonderful feedback:
Derrick tells this lovely story. “I had to deliver a best man's speech at my only sibling's wedding and was trying to figure out what to say. I picked up the Globe and Mail outside of my hotel door and saw the article about your book. I was crazy inspired about the concept of your book, the scientific/sociological method behind your research (having actually studied 40 role models), and resulting conclusions. I honed in immediately on your statements about finding someone who truly appreciates your company and is there for mutual care when things get rough. Such simple words, but so impossible to achieve it seems. This was the foundation for my toast – and why I had been given the honour.”
Reg wrote to me about the joys of music as we age – both as performers and audience. “We are a group of Ottawa-based senior musicians "The Mostly Bows" who regularly bring music to nursing homes, and other places where seniors live/gather.”
Coleen writes: “I have to tell you one very important thing that I got from your book and that I have immediately implemented: Make more effort to meet new friends or to invite people over that I would like to get to know better!”