Retirees are Goodwill Ambassadors
Last week I had the pleasure of speaking to the Warner–Lambert / Pfizer Retirees’ Association (Toronto). They’re a terrific organization and fit into that emotional circle so highly recommended by the role models. About three decades ago, the company set up the group along with interested employees. Today there are 373 members. The primary goal is keeping alive the spirit of fellowship and camaraderie the retirees developed while working together. They hold regular meetings and special events – both educational and entertaining. Their latest newsletter has details of trips to the Shaw Festival and Herongate Farm, a talk by a nutritionist and a train trip to see the Fall colours. The group has been receiving some funding from the company, which seems like smart policy since the members are such goodwill ambassadors. Hugh Moses won a draw for a copy of the book and that’s the two of us in the photo below.