You Made a Best Seller!
Dear readers - thank you for buying Ready to Retire? in droves. You put the book on The Globe and Mail best seller list where it's stayed for the past five weeks. I'm very grateful to the hard-working journalists who discussed the book on TV, radio, print, blogs, videos, podcasts, Twitter, and Facebook. You'll find links to some of the coverage under MEDIA. To give you a flavour - I did 22 CBC interviews with radio morning show hosts from Gander, Newfoundland, to Whitehorse, to Victoria, and spots in between - and three CBC regional phone-in shows in the Maritimes, Alberta and BC. The article written by Victoria Ahearn, Canadian Press' multi-talented writer and videographer was picked up by newspapers from coast to coast and her video posted on news sites. It was great fun being on CTV's The Social and Sirius XM What She Saidwith their engaging hosts and dedicated audiences. And Global News and its committed newscasters have a serious following. I heard from many people who caught that piece.
None of this would have happened without the top-notch publicity team at HarperCollins especially Julia Barrett and Jason Pratt. I am particularly grateful to the 150 of you who came to the book launch and to Stephanie Woodward, ED of Ryerson's Pension Innovation and Research Centre and to her colleagues for hosting the event. Thank you all. It takes a big village to launch a book.
With Julia Barrett at Harper Collins